Driving Instructor Training
Continuing Ed Courses
Course 101 - In-Car Techniques
Length – 2 hours Teaching techniques for in-car instruction including tips, tricks and ways to avoid common communication errors.
Course 102 - Safety
Length - 2 hours Advanced knowledge and laws for carseat and seatbelt use. Police interaction: How to behave during a traffic stop.
Course 103 - Classroom Management
Length - 2 hours Teaching Techniques for Classroom Instruction, Curriculum Building and Public Image.
Course 104 - Driving in Inclement Weather
Length - 2 hours Curriculum includes information regarding driving in poor weather conditions. Included, participants will find tips to safely maneuver the roads more safely in somewhat hazardous conditions.
Course 105 - Distracted Driving
Length - 2 hours Course provides a detailed understanding about different forms of distracted driving and how to avoid the temptation of engaging in the deadly behavior.