CTDS donates free and reduced services to the following organizations: CareNet, The Cove, Texas High Schools as well as the Drivers' Education Industry. We believe that by working together, all children can graduate high school with a drivers license, regardless of their economic circumstances. To find out what we can do for your organization give us a call.
Socially Aware and Always Giving.
Efficient Routes
Our drive routes have been designed to be fuel and energy efficient. We estimate that since implementing fuel-efficient drive routes in 2016, we have helped to prevent approximately 306.18 metric tons of CO2 emissions.
Fuel Efficient Vehicles
Our fleet consists of modern gas-powered vehicles that are rated up to 27 city/36 highway miles per gallon.
Alternative Programs
Our Suite of Online/App Drivers Education products, including: Teen, Adult, Defensive Driving, Continuing Education and Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL) have had a greater impact on local CO2 emissions by reducing the number of vehicles and distance traveled on Central Texas Roads. This has also allowed us to further our reach beyond Central Texas to the entire State without increasing our Carbon footprint.