Our affiliate program allows driving schools that do not have an online or parent-taught option to join with XLR8 and offer your customers a package deal that includes our 32 hour classroom app and 14 hours of in car at your school. XLR8 charges you a set fee per sign up (we sell coupons in batches of 5). Your school sets the package price for your customers. Get started today by calling 254-751-1000 or email us at info@xlr8drivingschool.com.
Enrollment in XLR8 Driver’s Education (128) - Full Program…
Sell the Package - Full Program
Offer your customers a package deal for classroom in the XLR8 Drivers Education, and behind the wheel at your school. EXAMPLE
You pay XLR8 for “coupons”-->...$40 each (purchase in batches of 5) -
Enroll Your Customer - Full Program
Your staff takes full payment from the customer, provides the coupon sheet to student for their “free” enrollment into XLR8. The sheet contains the instructions for logging in and choosing their platform.
Final Step - Full Program
XLR8 activates the online platform at the time of sign up and entry of the “free” coupon. Student completes the first 6 hours, takes the permit test in-app (free) or online (for an additional $10 charge) and begins drive hours with your school while completing the remaining classroom hours with XLR8.
Enrollment in XLR8 Driver’s Education (128) - Behind the Wheel Only…
Sell the Package - Behind the Wheel Only
Offer your customers a package deal for classroom in your face to face classes and XLR8 Drivers Education for Behind the Wheel.
You sell-->
Sports Plus Package...$300
You pay XLR8 for “coupons”-->...$25 (We sell in batches of 5)
You make...$275You provide the 32 hours of classroom time and then fill out the transfer blank on the DE 964 to XLR8 Drivers Education. Parents will then take over and provide the driving at home.
This product can also be used if students have not completed all of their driving hours with your school by the end of their contract. Students can be transferred to XLR8 and the parents can provide the 7/7 at home.
Enroll Your Customer - Behind the Wheel Only
Once your student has obtained their permit, provide the coupon code sheet. The document contains the instructions for logging in and choosing their platform. Your student will have immediate access to our curriculum and can begin driving at home with their parents!
Final Step - Behind the Wheel Only
XLR8 activates the online platform at the time of sign up and entry of the “free” coupon. Students will receive their DE 964 after 1 week of enrollment.